Brain - Mind

Blog: "Move beyond the thinking mind"

Since I was young I was always looking for knowledge. The more knowledge I would get the better I would understand. To get this knowledge I would read books, books and books and finally study philosophy at the university.

Jul 20th at 1:15 PM

Brain - Mind

Vlog: "What is knowledge versus Truth?"

​Gaining knowledge has been very important in my life till recently, but during my quest for knowledge I did find out the difference between knowledge and truth. I found out knowledge, which is based on thinking or in other words mental concepts is limited and never able to fully meet what is called truth.

Apr 7th at 9:58 PM

Society - World

Blog: "Your best intention for 2018!"

In every healthy human being you find two personalities. Those two personalities are the representations of your left and right brain hemisphere. In the left we find our ego and in the right we find our what I call Self.

Dec 24th at 1:48 PM

Career - Doing

Blog: "What is your added value in 2020?"

This morning I read an article about technology trends that will change the World by Bernard Marr. Yesterday, Jan Terlouw spoke about the "Robotizing" of our society at DWDD. Technology seems to be really exponentially growing as an influencer of our daily lives.

Dec 6th at 11:50 AM

Society - World

Blog: "A network-economy, based on giving"

​One day I heard that every person on this planet is connected within 7 steps from each other. I do not know if that is true. What I do believe is that we are moving towards a "Network Economy". An economy based on mutuality, based on sharing and based on the principle of "break-even" (read: "harmony").

Aug 28th at 12:29 PM

Society - World

Blog: "What can we really know?"

The German philosopher Immanuel Kant said we can never know a thing in itself. We are always bound by the limitations of our own individual sensory-perception-system. We can observe the thing and touch it and research it, but we can never know what it really is.

Aug 21st at 10:39 AM

Life - Evolution

Blog: "Understanding your suffering"

The moment you decide you are done with suffering, is the moment you are ready to become your Self. It is the initiation to so called "awakening" from your ego-identification which no longer serves you (makes your feel good) and move on to your true identity, your Self.

Aug 19th at 2:18 PM

Life - Evolution

Vlog: "Understanding the Law of Attraction"

The Law of Attraction is one of the big subjects within spirituality. I think the subject is very appealing, because who does not want to create the life you dream of, especially when you can attract it, or manifest it, without a lot of effort.

Jul 28th at 8:29 PM

Body - Energy

Blog: "Understanding your burn-out"

What part of humanity is doing on a planetary level exhausting natural resources, your ego is doing on an individual level exhausting your body. On a collective level we might call this "Climate-change", on the personal level we call this is a "burn-out."

Jul 27th at 3:05 PM

Career - Doing

Blog: "How to find your passion in life?"

More and more people are looking for their passion in life. This is a great thing. We have reached a certain level of society where survival does not have to be the primairy goal anymore, but doing with your life what you have dreamt of is.

Jul 23rd at 11:02 PM

Brain - Mind

Blog: "Understanding your left-brain"

Your left-brain is assigned to the job to protect you. Make you survive in this world, to continue your status quo. Your analytical skills make you able to judge situations and decide how to act to protect your status-quo.

Jul 20th at 11:01 PM

Health - Nutrition

Blog: "Spirituality does not skip physiology"

​Becoming more CONSCIOUS, feeling good and peaceful is an outcome of spiritual practice. But spirituality does not SKIP the human-body and its physiology. Someone does not feel spiritual BLISS, without the abudance of the right chemical-substances (NEURO-TRANSMITTERS) in your BRAIN.

Jul 19th at 10:59 PM