"My moment of Spiritual Awakening."

"I was 22 when I was introduced to the word "Spirituality" for the first time. The reason was that I was introduced to the spiritual book: "The Celestine Prophecy" by James Redfield. At that moment the book was an eye-opener for me. I read about energy, awareness and the perception of reality. Reading this book was the precursor for my first "spiritual experience" a few months later...

It is the autumn of 2007 and I am back from my adventure in Beijing, China and backpacking with friends through Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand. My spiritual experience comes to me as a moment of "Awakening", what is called "Satori" in the ancient Zen-tradition. I am sitting in the public-bus from my house to Groningen in the north of the Netherlands. Out of nowhere I experience a very clear distance or "space" between me and my thoughts. I experience myself as if I am the observer of myself. In that experience I also realize very clearly that I am not my thoughts. I am not who I think I am, I am the space around the thoughts, I am the consciousness behind it. From that moment I know that I am more than just my thoughts, my conditioned mind, my ego.

To get a better understanding of this experience I read the book of Eckhart Tolle "The New Earth". By that I learn how to understand my experience into a wider context and I also get insight in what is the "purpose" of this experience of expanded consciousness of who you truly are.

That space, that awareness, has never left me from that moment. It is always there, sometimes in the forefront, sometimes in the background. But to fully release myself from my conditioning, my ego, my mind, my thinking, has been much more like a process. A process of being more identified with my thoughts again and being thought-less as a clear space of pure consciousness.

To deepen my consciousness and to de-identify with my conditioning even more I followed courses on everything related to spirituality f.e. meditation (Mindfulness), yoga (Yin), NLP and experienced psychedelica like Ayahuasca, Cannabis and Psilocybine.

Since then more there 10 years have passed in this process and I have become more and more conscious and got a better understanding of what happened at that time and what this means to all of us human beings and how we live our lives on this planet Earth, in these times."


About me.

I was born (15th of October 1984, Libra) in Seoul, South-Korea and was adopted as a ten months year old baby by my parents from The Netherlands. I grew up in a large family of six children in a small village on the country-side. Currently I am living in Amsterdam. The vibrant and multicultural aspect of Amsterdam attracted me.

In 2007 (22 years) I moved to Beijing, China for an internship of six months. During this half year I returned to South-Korea for the first time and visited the orphanage I spent the first few months of my life. They have also checked if they could start a search for my biological-parents but there is not enough information to do that, which I am in peace with.

In 2017 I decided to quite my job as a business-manager in the corporate world and follow my heart to become a speaker, trainer and coach in spirituality, helping people to live a more "conscious live" according to their deepest essence. Since then I blog, vlog, give lectures and am building an online-community to reach as many people as possible for their awakening.

My Field of Expertise.

Since 2015 I have been active as a group-trainer and personal 1-on-1 coach.

My field of expertise consists of:

◾ Certified Mindfulness (MBSR) trainer
◾ Certified Regression & Reincarnation coach
◾ Certified NLP Practitioner & Master

◾ Studies in Daoism and "Flow-state"
◾ Studies in Dialectics (Hegelian) / Duality / Polarities
◾ Studies in Buddhism / Karma / "The Nature of Mind"
◾ Studies in Non-Duality (Advaita Vedanta) / "Free Will"
◾ Studies in Morality & Integrity / Western-Philosophy

2012 - Master-thesis about "The Morality of the Employee"

◾ Practice in Meditation / Vipassana / Breath-work
◾ Practice in Self-Inquiry / Analytical-meditation
◾ Practice in Yoga Nidra / Yin-Yoga (certified teacher)

◾ Familiar with Shamanism / Archetypes / Symbolism & Dreams
◾ Familiar with Tantra / Sexuality / Masculinity & Femininity
◾ Familiar with Plant-medicine / Psychedelics / Entheogens
◾ Familiar with EMDR / Trauma-release / Re-Birthing
◾ Familiar with Left-Right Brain psychology / Dialectical Method
◾ Familiar with Voice Dialogue / Sub-personalities
◾ Familiar with "Inner Child" work / Adoption-issues
◾ Familiar with Shadow-work / Psycho-Pathology


DISCLAIMER: In No-way is "Roelof de Vries" or "The School of Self-realization" connected to or part of any larger organization, institute, religion, philosophy, tradition or sub-culture. Roelof and "The School of Self-realization" are an independent and autonomous organization respecting all other traditions and school, but themselves are "eclectic".

My Mission in Life.

Since my moment of spiritual awakening in 2007 I have always felt that one day I will share my experiences and knowledge with other and help to guide others also on the path towards Self-realization.

However it took another 8 years before I made my first steps as a spiritual-teacher. For me being a spiritual-teacher means to be able to "Practice what you Preach" and to teach from a certain-level of experience. In other words: A spiritual-teacher has been through what he or she teaches him or herself.

So since 2015 I have been active as a spiritual-teacher and since 2017 on a fulltime-basis.

As a teacher my mission is to motivate people to start walking "The Path of Self-realization" and to find more truth, empathy, love, compassion, respect and integrity within yourself. To regain your inner-strength, to feel "empowered" and to realize again that something in you has always been whole and complete, no matter what.

Finding back these deep innate feelings inside of you and to start living your life from this place of inner-wholeness is what our current World desperately needs. Too many people struggle with depression, burn-out, unhappiness, dis-satisfaction, unhealthy relationships, unhealthy physical bodies, poverty, racism, discrimination and abuse.

Besides that we as a humanity have become so disconnected from Nature, that we have become a threat to the survival of our only planet, called Earth.

I believe the next 50 years will be crucial for humanity and it is us to decide if this century will lead us into a deeper state of regression or that we find back harmony, equality and peace and start to create a "Better World".

Read more about my Vision of Self-realization...

"It is my mission to motivate as many people as possible on the Path of Self-realization. To become the best version of yourself and to create the life your dreams."

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