"Learn more in an interactive way about how to become conscious."
By this page I give more information about the lectures I organize. The lectures are always a combination of seminars or webinars (online) followed by Question & Answers-sessions (Q&A).
The lectures are complete programs by which I take you on an inward-journey towards becoming who you are in essence. During this inward-journey we pause at the different phases in life and the challenges which come along.
Both from a theoretical and a practical perspective I give you clear practical guidelines how to deal with the challenges and how you can understand them in the broader development of your evolving consciousness.
In the end the lectures themselves make you more conscious of who you are in essence and how you can translate and integrate what you have learned into your daily practical life.
It is my mission to assist as many people as possible on the path of becoming conscious. Thereby creating a more conscious and sustainable World."